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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello, My Name Is


This is my first post ever!!! I'm a little excited and a little nervous' as I assume everyone is when they start their first blog.  (Will anyone like it? Will anyone read it? What if I sound stupid?)  Maybe all of that will happen, BUT I will never know unless I try, right? So here it goes.

I am starting this up for multiple reasons. Number one: it is the best way to vent to anyone and everyone and people can't get annoyed because they are the ones that chose to read it in the first place!  Number two: I want people to see how easy it is to have real emotions, and not feel weird about sharing them to other people.  If everyone were to just be themselves, life would be great and we all could get along.  But that obviously isn't happening because there are people like me begging for a revolution of individuals to rise up and be themselves! Do I practice what I preach? Heck no! But as a developing human being, I strive towards the idea of being myself everyday.  I fail, and fail, and fail some more, but I put forth effort, and that is good enough for me!

That's why I like birds, if you haven't noticed yet.  They are free to go as far as their wings will take them.  They are all different, colorful, and beautiful.  And they sing, a plus for this music geek.  They show great love for their kin (when you chew your children's food for them, it can't show anything less).  They can fly like Peter Pan, and they help out every princess in the Disney movies!  I can't see being like any other animal!

So, that is my little introduction for this blog.  It si defintely a work in progress.  Any suggestions? Please let me know! Just don't be mean; I WILL call you out and you WILL be ashamed! :) Same with any bullying of sorts; it won't be tollerated.  Thanks for reading and hopefully this wo't be a complete flop!

<3 Cate

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